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Elevating Remote Production in the Cloud

处理一个接一个远程小组会议的多日会议的最佳方式是什么, with about 5 minutes between them, 也许更少? 如果您添加了视频播放、远程幻灯片演示和不可避免的最后一刻更改怎么办? I’m sure if you ask a dozen different producers, you’ll get a dozen different answers and probably a lot more questions. On a recent project involving the challenges described above, my team and I chose a cloud-based workflow. 在本文中,我将讨论我们使用了什么,云提供了什么,以及我们为什么采用这种方式.


几个月前, 我被请来制作《欧洲杯在哪投注》, 这是一个虚拟的活动,庆祝和讨论退伍军人参与仁人家园的工作. Original-ly, 我们计划使用我们为远程现场活动开发的内部解决方案来制作它, 但当实时连接数超过8个时,它很快就超出了我们设置的现有容量. 此外, just days before the event, 日程的不稳定性促使我改变计划,把所有的事情都转移到基于云的解决方案上.

开始, 让我来介绍一下我们为这个项目考虑的工作流以及它们的不同之处. 内部, we have hardware-based video mixers, which struggle to handle a large number of remote guests. 这是可行的,但它需要大量的额外硬件,我们还没有建立. There are also software-based video mixers, such as Livestream Studio, mimoLive, 奥林匹克广播服务公司, vMix, 和Wirecast. 它们中的每一个都具有将远程客户机直接带入应用程序本身的能力. 对于每个应用程序,这种集成的深度和生产者使用这种连接的微妙能力都是不同的.

在上一篇文章中(go2sm.com/remote), I wrote about our use of vMix. 我们希望增加第二个座位,以支持更大的面板活动和第二屏幕登录. vMix是本次人居展的首选工具, with the proper deployment of multiple producers on multiple instances, vMix would have been the right solution. 但预算不允许最后一分钟额外的制片人和额外的完整的vMix套件多天. So I made the decision to go cloud.

Benefits of Cloud-Based Production


  • Bandwidth is not an issue. My connection does not require big bandwidth, 因为我不会把所有的客人都带到我的位置——他们都会去云应用程序. 此外, streaming out to multiple destinations also happens in the cloud, so my local upload speed is not an impediment to streaming content out.
  • Processing requirements drop. When I have my computer do all of the video mixing, 我需要一台非常强大的电脑来处理流媒体的所有处理和视频解压缩和再压缩. In the cloud, my computer is not doing any of this. I can now use a much less powerful computer—in this case, an i5 Mac Mini with no dedicated GPU at all.
  • You can have redundant producers. This feature doesn’t get leveraged that much, but in a mission-critical-type production, being in the cloud means you can actually have two producers on a show. If one producer’s connection dies, the other person can grab the controls.

Cloud Options for Remote Production

When we look at in-cloud solutions, 我们不是, 此时此刻, considering vMix in the cloud or Vizrt Viz Virtual Studio, which is essentially a NewTek TriCaster in the cloud. (Vizrt purchased NewTek in 2019.)这些设置依赖于一个桌面应用程序,并在远程服务器上创建一个云实例, 安装它, making sure all of the drivers for various bits are in place, 然后在本地建立适当的控制界面,并通过互联网连接到云. 这样做的好处是几乎没有处理硬件限制,当然也没有互联网连接限制——这对许多远程贡献者来说非常重要.

But they’re still restricted by the app’s inherent internal limits. vMix would need two instances, 第二个操作员, 以及一些优秀的云网络技术,以确保云中的多个实例能够正确连接,从而能够获得8个以上的远程vMix连接. So, cloud or ground, we were facing the same limit. 此外,在云中构建和适当配置虚拟计算机(以及哪种云)? 亚马逊? Paperspace?)是一个新问题,需要额外的欧洲杯在哪投注、时间、资金和专业知识——我们根本没有这些欧洲杯在哪投注.

此时此刻, “将其替换”给已经构建了此类实例的制作人成为一种选择. 但由于时间和预算的限制,我们不得不寻找一种利用现有欧洲杯在哪投注的方法.

Next, we looked to true cloud-based multi-camera solutions. 我指的不是Zoom、Microsoft Teams或Google Hangouts等商务会议应用. 我们想要一个干净的, 精致的外观将现场制作提升到人们习惯在商务会议应用程序上看到的水平之上. The Habitat for Humanity event was more of a “show,某些人在舞台上,而更多的观众在另一个平台上观看.

We looked at Restream Studio, StreamYard, and Melon. Melon仅限6位客人,所以这个限制排除了这个项目. I am already a Restream customer, so Restream Studio (下面的图1)看起来很有吸引力. Restream Studio allows up to 10 guests, 但我们感兴趣的定制功能仍在推出. 例如, 目前还没有办法创建多个不同的“会话”并提前发送链接. I also wanted a way to load it up with specific media, backgrounds, etc., and separate them by shows/clients, but this was not possible either.

图1. Restream Live Studio Pro. Click on the image to see it at full size.

The video capabilities in Re­stream Studio are nice, though. There’s no time limit on clips, but a file-size limit instead. 通过良好的压缩,我可以轻松地将15分钟(或更长时间)的剪辑装入其中. 此外, Restream Studio实际上包括在计算机上抓取任何兼容的视频剪辑并将其作为节目的一部分播放的能力, but it does this like adding a person. This means you have to manually turn each person’s camera off, 一次一个, and manually make the video clip full-size. 也, Restream Studio和StreamYard都没有任何规定来控制任何预先录制的视频剪辑通过应用程序播放的音频水平. 对于StreamYard,我们找到了解决这个问题的方法,我将在后面描述.

在Restream Studio中,标题只能应用于纯色背景. In StreamYard, you can choose between solid color or translucent gray. I like that Restream Studio’s titles animate on the screen, but they are all only one style, so it can get a bit monotonous, and they cover the people talking. StreamYard有这个很酷的功能,当你添加一个屏幕上的标题时,它会动态地移动屏幕上的扬声器, 比如URL. StreamYard also allows 10 guests, has a way to divide media sets for different shows/clients, makes it easy to pre-build individual session links for guests, offers nicer text overlays, 让你在屏幕布局方面有更多的变化. 对我来说,作为制作人,StreamYard布局提供了一种更直观的工作方式. So that’s the tool I picked.

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Going Pro with Remote Production

你在这里. 客人们都到了. The audience is everywhere else. Here is an article that's chock-full of tips, 技巧, 以及在您最新的远程生产中使所有这些组合在一起的链接.

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