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Going Behind the Scenes at Grammy Live

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"This is an exciting show to work on, not only because it’s an awards show, but because it’s an incredible concert,” says Joe Einstein, vice president of technical services and operations at All 手机视频 Digital Media. 爱因斯坦在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心外的阳光下微笑, 2 days before the 57th Grammy Awards.

事实上, 在不到48小时的时间里,爱因斯坦和他的50名机组人员都非常放松,他们将迎来今年最重要的活动, the 9-hour-plus Grammy Live webcast, 从红地毯上的名人到格莱美首映式颁奖典礼,再到艺术家采访,再到主要活动期间的观众镜头, not to mention a wrap-up show after the awards. 当然, 在过去的十年里,每年都要举办这样的大型活动,这种平静只有在这种经历中才会出现, and from a team that plans accordingly.

爱因斯坦最初与AEG合作,现在与AMV合作(All 手机视频于2014年收购了AEG),他已经为格莱美颁奖典礼工作了10年,并在过去的3年里一直通过移动设备运营网络直播. “每年我们都在从内容和技术的角度对游戏进行改进,他说.

“我们在今年结束后的第二天就开始计划明年,” says Bill Wheaton, 高级副总裁兼媒体部总经理 Akamai, CDN从所有移动视频中获取feed并将其传送到pc, connected televisions, and hundreds of types of mobile devices. 爱因斯坦补充说,格莱美现场的准备工作在2月份的活动前4个月就开始了, which this year drew more than 1.200万总用户和超过700万的观看会话.

A Grammy Companion Event

当然, 每年, 格莱美奖(Grammy Awards)等奖项背后的组织——美国唱片学院(Recording academy)——努力改善用户体验, so each webcast is different from the last. The first online efforts came all the way back in 2001, says Paul Madeira, executive producer of Grammy Live. “2001年的时候,我们实际上在做一些类似格莱美现场的事情, when the technology wasn’t there,马德拉说. “我已经在学院工作了15年,看着它的发展,技术赶上了我们.”

2015年最大的变化是将网络直播转变为“信息化”活动, according to Miranda Eggleston, who handles clearances and releases for the Academy and, as a producer for Grammy Live, 在网络直播期间,在AMV卡车上发号施令. “Instead of competing content, we had companion content,她说。, 与琐事, 有趣的事实, social media posts, and questions from fans, 为网络直播观众提供第二屏幕体验,让他们在格莱美电视直播期间保持专注.

On his way to winning four Grammy awards, 山姆·史密斯(Sam Smith)在红毯上停下来与格莱美现场联合主持人Quddus(左一)和Louise Roe(右一)自拍。, 以及同样获得最佳新人奖提名的布兰迪·克拉克(中间右), with Smith’s arm on her shoulder). Photo credit: John Agger/Akamai 

“Our numbers improved this year,” Eggleston says, 注意到今年的网络直播是一个真正的9个多小时的事件, with compelling content delivered throughout. “观众继续观看格莱美现场直播,作为电视直播的陪伴,这一直是我们的目标.”

Over the years, 格莱美现场团队一直在研究以往活动的数据,以不断改进节目,满足观众的需求. During the course of the past few years, 他们已经确定了红毯报道——包括格莱美现场联合主持人Quddus和Louise roe对数十位名人的采访——以及格莱美首演典礼——绝大多数奖项都是在颁奖典礼上宣布的, 包括所有国际奖项在内,它吸引了最多的观众.

At any point during the webcast’s 9 hours, 观看者可以从四个摄像头角度中选择一个在主窗口播放, while thumbnails of the other angles played below. 因此,观众可以在主窗口观看首映式上最佳拉丁流行专辑的颁发, 一边看山姆·史密斯的采访,一边看缩略图里泰勒·斯威夫特的裙子.

当然, while viewers saw four camera angles at any given time, Einstein’s crew of 50, which included freelancers and full-time AMV employees, was running more than four cameras. AMV移动单位名人生产卡车的制片人处理了两倍多的摄像机馈送, 即时决定哪个摄像机馈送将提供视频播放器的哪个角度, which AMV built. 今年, 这些摄像机包括一台索尼HDC-2500无线射频摄像机,可以让操作员在直播期间在红毯和后台漫游, 还有机器人摄像机,可以显示到达红毯的情况,以及红毯上方的360度全景. (有关AMV船员使用的所有设备的完整列表,请参见侧栏 格莱美齿轮.)

Unique Content

During the awards show, the feeds included stage left, 舞台右边, 后台, and the Danny Clinch photo room, 那个著名的摄影师为所有获奖者拍照的地方. 也, for the first time this year, the webcast included shots from two “audience cams,斯台普斯中心(Staples Center)人群上方的机器人摄像机. Even though those feeds included no audio, they were among the most-watched and clicked-on angles, 马德拉说:. 这些给观众提供了他们本来无法看到的图像, 比如保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)在杰夫·林恩(Jeff Lynne)和艾德·希兰(Ed Sheeran)演唱ELO乐队的《Mr. 蓝色的天空,或者当贝克获得最佳专辑奖时,坎耶·韦斯特从座位上站起来跳上舞台, while both Jay-Z and Beyonce shouted, “No!”

所有移动视频数字媒体的乔·爱因斯坦以外的移动制作单位名人, where the Grammy Live webcast is produced. Photo credit: John Agger/Akamai 

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